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PhanDango Interactive Media Web Design
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About PhanDango Interactive Media
Portfolio for PhanDango Interactive Media
Services offered by PhanDango Interactive Media

Contact PhanDango Interactive Media

Domain name registration & Web hosting

We can help you pick a domain name and get it registered. WeˇŻll set up your account, get your email boxes working, and show you how you can check your Web statistics.

Search engine optimization and registration

We add meta tags and take basic steps to optimize your Website for search engine indexing. We register your site with Google and DMOZ, and can arrange for additional search engine optimization technologies. Rank and link checking also available.


The sites we build follow the basic rules for accessibility. At your request we will take special care to be sure your new site complies with existing accessibility guidelines, such as Section 508 and the World Wide Web Consortium&##39;s (W3C) Web content accessiblity guidelines. Section 508 requires that Federal agencies&##39; electronic and information technology is accessible to people with disabilities.


We pay particular attention to site navigation ... how people find their way around your Website. We use cascading style sheets for layout and presentation, making your site easier to maintain and reducing file size and server load.

Content: organizing and editing for readability

With your permission, we edit your text for Web readability. Short sentences and paragraphs, sub-headlines, bulleted lists, and strategic use of graphics provide white space that makes for easier reading. Choice of typeface (font) and color also contribute to your site&##39;s readability.

Graphics: photo editing, original illustration, and logo design

We do original design or we can start with your logo and graphics. Photo-retouching & collage and original technical & non-technical illustrations are a specialty. We build interactive graphics using Flash technology.

Scripting: PHP, JavaScript, Perl

Programming that enhances your Website -- forms, bulletin boards, database connectivity, secure online transactions for ecommerce.

Ongoing site maintenance

We provide ongoing site maintenance to help you keep your site updated.